Framework Certification
SkillsUSA California takes pride in offering certification opportunities for our ambitious members. These industry-recognized certificates, focused on employability skills, distinguish our members from the rest.
SkillsUSA California Members Earn Certifications!
These certifications are available exclusively to SkillsUSA CA Advisors and Student Members under the Total Participation Plan (TPP). To order access, chapters must first register their students and advisors as SkillsUSA members. There are no additional costs for participation for SkillsUSA CA members. Access keys will be distributed after verifying membership. Each Advisor must complete their own Order Form.
Register For The
Information Meeting
1 Challenge - 3 Certifications!
September 9 Information Meeting - 3:30 pm - REGISTER
September 13 Order Deadline: ORDER FORM
September 9-18 Key Distribution by Staff via email.
September 18 Virtual Kick-Off Meeting
October 16 CTE Module Due
October 18 Virtual Advisor Support Call
October 30 Framework Module Due
November 13 DEI Module Due Allow 60-90 Minutes
December 4 Virtual Celebration
Earn a bonus certificate!
Members who complete all three certificates by the deadline will receive an additional Challenge Completer Certificate at the annual state conference.